Solid Income Blog

Build Your Side Hustle with YouTube

Jun 21, 2021

If I were to focus on an affordable business model, the one that comes to mind is YouTube.


If you look at the young digital business owners that have created 6-7 figures in the last decade, YouTube has been their cornerstone method.


While I've seen a bunch of Instagram and TikTok influencers crop up lately, many of them push out YouTube videos. 

You can build your YouTube side hustle fast with this little known tool.


With new social media platforms, I've historically seen them get hammered with spam over time. With spam comes more rigid policies.


For example, Instagrammers used to use a method called like for like. That means a user would like a bunch of people and hopefully get those people to like them as well. The same thing applied to follow for follow. 


From there, apps came out that provided automation and spammers would abuse that.


How about YouTube? 


It's a video search engine.


If you're low tech, then you can easily post a video using your smartphone. 


From that video, you can pull in targeted traffic and then send them to an offer that you're promoting...even build your email list.


However, not all videos work.


You have to create great descriptions and use the right tags.


Here's a tool that makes YouTube video simple.